Chers collègues,
Arnaud Huguet, Chuanlun Zhang, Antonio García-Alix, Nikolai Pedentchouk, Sabine Lengger et moi-même (Julien Plancq) animerons une session lors de la prochaine Goldschmidt du 13 au 18 août 2017 à Paris.
Vous pouvez dès à présent soumettre vos abstracts en suivant ce lien et ce jusqu’au 1er avril prochain!
17J: Organic proxies in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems: a biogeochemical perspective. In memoriam Geoff Eglinton
Keynote: Simon Belt (University of Plymouth)
Proxies based on organic biomarkers, such as glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers, long-chain diols and alkenones, and compound specific isotope analyses are increasingly used for terrestrial paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate reconstructions. Nevertheless, the application of these tools is not straightforward, as it can be complicated by various factors (environmental, physical, ecological, etc.). Furthermore, some biomarker-based proxies that have been used in marine environments for decades still need further development to be applied in the terrestrial realm. The aim of this session is to investigate the biogeochemical mechanisms behind the organic proxies in aquatic, lacustrine and terrestrial ecosystems and their reliability as environmental or climatic tracers. In particular, we are inviting contributions using molecular and stable isotope compositions of biomarkers, and radiocarbon dating, to study organic matter sources and climatic variables in order to better understand the past climates and particularly the polar regions, which are among the most sensitive areas to climate change. Integrated and multidisciplinary studies on organic biomarkers, their calibration, modelling and application as paleoproxies are welcome. This session will be convened in memoriam of Geoff Eglington, known to many as the father of modern organic geochemistry, who not only coined the term « chemical fossil », but whose work and vision included the discovery and first applications of organic proxies in paleoenvironmental studies.