Professeur Assistant en Géochimie Organique – Université du Minnesota

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Large Lakes Observatory (LLO) at the University of Minnesota Duluth invite applications for a tenure-track shared position as assistant professor, organic geochemistry, available starting August 26, 2013. Job duties and responsibilities include teaching in chemistry (analytical, environmental, and/or general) and limnology, research in…

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Postdoc Research Associate – University of Massachussetts

Postdoctoral Research Associate: “Plio-Pleistocene Climate Variability in the Beringian Arctic” The Department of Geosciences at University of Massachusetts Amherst seeks a highly motivated and creative post-doctoral research associate in the field of biogeochemistry to examine Plio-Pleistocene Arctic climate variability. A 3.6 Myr drill core recovered from Lake E’gygytgyn in 2009 is…

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Postes en géochimie à l’Université d’Adélaïde

The University of Adelaide, Australia, is announcing an exciting new hiring initiative in association with the formation of the Sprigg Geobiology Centre. 3 lecturer (equivalent of assistant professor and above) positions are to be filled:  2 in geobiology/biogeochemistry and 1 in aqueous geochemistry/environmental mineralogy. A brief overview is pasted below, but…

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Poste de professeur assistant – Northwestern University

The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Northwestern University invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor position in organic biogeochemistry to begin in fall 2013.  Specifically, we seek a scientist who studies the molecular structure and stable isotope composition of organic materials extracted from modern and ancient sedimentary deposits…

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Assistant Professor in Organic Geochemistry – Duluth, Minnesota

Un poste de professeur assistant est ouvert dans le département de chimie et de biochimie de l’observatoire des grands lacs à Duluth, Minnesota : The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Large Lakes Observatory (LLO) at the University of Minnesota Duluth invite applications for a tenure-track shared position as assistant…

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Offre d’emploi – Isotope geochemist

Associate Isotope Geochemist or Isotope Geochemist Illinois State Geological Survey / Prairie Research Institute / University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignWe are seeking an individual to fill one position. The successful individual’s qualifications will determine the level to which he/she is appointed. Responsibilities include: Design, initiate, and complete investigations of light stable…

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PhD opportunity at the University of Southern California

This is a 5-year opportunity to combine novel fieldwork and new conceptual applications with research in an isotope biogeochemistry lab, emphasizing compound-specific isotope analysis of H and C. The student will be funded by a combination of NSF-sponsored research assistantship and University-funded teaching assistantship, and will also be encouraged to apply…

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Offre d’emploi en région parisienne

Georex, société pétrolière installée en région parisienne, recherche deux jeunes docteurs ou diplômés de master à compter du 01 janv 2013 pour une durée de 2 à 3 ans qui soient à l’aise en géochimie organique et ayant des bonnes bases en géologie sédimentaire. Le travail porterai sur la gestion de…

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Proposition de thèse BRGM-ISTO à Orléans

Changements environnementaux affectant les écosystèmes continentaux à la transition Eocène/Oligocène. Directeur de thèse : Christian DIGIOVANNI (ISTO, Pr. Université d’Orléans, HDR) Co-encadrants : Hugues BAUER et Florence QUESNEL (BRGM), Jérémy JACOB (ISTO). Financement : Région Centre (50%), UMR BRGM-ISTO (50%) Démarrage : 1er octobre 2012 Date limite envoi CV et lettre…

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Senior Research Scientist – CSIRO/Sydney

There is an interesting job avalable for an Organic Geochemist at CSIRO in Sydney. An outstanding opportunity currently exists for an experienced and motivated Organic Geochemist to join the Organic Geochemistry Team within CSIRO’s Earth Science and Resource Engineering (CESRE) Division. As a Senior Research Scientist you will be participating in,…

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