Echos of Life Symposium

Le Cabot Institute de Bristol organise un symposium dédié à la mémoire de Geoffrey Eglinton le 12 mai :

« The Organic Geochemistry Unit (OGU) invites you to the inaugural Echoes of Life Symposium on the 12th of May to celebrate its 49th anniversary and to honour Professor Geoff Eglinton FRS who passed away in Spring 2016. Geoff came to Bristol in 1968 and retired in 1993, serving in the Schools of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, founding the OGU and the multidisciplinary Bristol Biogeochemistry Research Centre and inspiring several generations of scientists. With James Maxwell, he was a visionary leader in analytical chemistry and organic geochemistry, through which they also contributed to the early development of planetary organic chemistry, petroleum geochemistry and palaeoclimate research.

The Symposium will be from 2:00 to 5:00 in Chemistry LT2, followed by a wine reception. More details to follow.

So that we have a sense of numbers please take 2 minutes to register your interest on EventBrite:

For further information about this event, please contact  »

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