PAGES Open Science Meeting – Saragosse – 9/13 mai 2015

Nous organisons intitulée « From early human impacts to the Great Acceleration: A paleoscience perspective on the climate-landscape-human multiple connections » à l’occasion de l’Open Science Meeting de PAGES qui se tiendra à Saragosse du 9 au 15 mai 2017.

La soumission de résumés est ouverte jusqu’au 20 décembre.

Co-convenors: Nathalie Dubois (, Pierre Francus (, Andrea Zerboni (, Stefano Biagetti (, Jérémy Jacob (, Carla Lancelotti (, Marco Madella ( and Debora Zurro (

Impacts of human activities on natural systems have been plentiful, variable, and sometimes abrupt, especially since the “Great Acceleration”, i.e. the second half the 20th century. The growing awareness of these impacts on our planet raises questions about the sustainability of natural resources and the viability of our planet for future generations. Yet, early human communities had to face climatic and environmental changes, cope with them and employ innovative adaptive strategies to survive with altered natural resources. The archaeological record worldwide preserves evidence of an impressively diversified number of human responses to climatic changes, demonstrating an extraordinary ability of early societies to respond and adapt to harsh environmental conditions.

Paleoscience places the Great Acceleration into a longer time-frame by identifying anthropogenic fingerprints of early and past human impacts and their spatial and temporal evolution. This session aims at gathering contributions dealing with the study of human responses to climate change and human impacts on natural environments, from earlier times through the Great Acceleration. This includes the roles of demographic and technological evolution as well as adaptation to climatic fluctuations. Altogether, this should lead to deciphering of the exact timing and extent of changes, and the relations of cause and effect behind them. We aim to bring together different research communities, in particular but not exclusively: geoarcheologists, paleolimnologists, paleoecologists, archeobotanists, climate modelers, and geomorphologists. Therefore studies using a multidisciplinary approach are particularly welcome, as well as those presenting novel tracers of early human impact (such as biomarkers or fossil DNA), and the study of annually resolved records. This session contributes mostly to the theme « Humans » within the new PAGES scientific scope, in particular, the GloSS, Aquatic Transition, LandCover6K, Regional Integration and Varves working groups.

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