Chers collègues,
Nous organisons une session scientifique sur la thématique de l’application de la spectrométrie de masse à transformée de Fourier (Orbitrap, FT ICR-MS) aux études biogéochimiques cet été à la conférence Goldschmidt qui se tiendra à Lyon du 9 au 14 juillet 2023. Le descriptif de la session et le lien se trouve au bas de cet article. La soumission de résumés pour présentation sous forme de poster / présentation orale est ouverte et clôturera le 1er mars.
Bonne journée et très bonne année à tous
6d – Fourier transform mass spectrometry in biogeochemical studies – new opportunities to address scientific problems
Theme 6: Novel methods: nanoscale techniques to big data
With its unmatched mass resolving power and mass accuracy, Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS; e.g. FT-ICR, Orbitrap) is becoming an extremely valuable tool for environmental chemists and biogeochemists. If petroleum analysis was historically the driving force behind its development, FTMS has now found a wealth of applications in the characterization of complex mixtures of geochemical, biogenic and anthropogenic origins in the geosphere.
FTMS opened the door to nontargeted, molecular-level identification of organic and organometallic compounds and the elucidation of their abiotic and biological transformations in virtually all environmental matrices from atmospheric, aquatic (freshwater and marine), terrestrial and extraterrestrial compartments.
Combined with the recent developments in advanced bioinformatic methods of visual representation of complex mass spectral features and the implementation of machine learning tools, FTMS analysis allows the discovery of information hidden in biogeochemical data, improving our comprehension of the Earth system.
This session invites researchers with a broad range of expertise interested in FTMS approaches to address fundamental biogeochemical questions about chemical, physical, hydrologic and microbial interactions that affect the transformation and mobility of critical nutrients, contaminants, aerosols and particles.
We seek contributions that:
- cover new methodologies and applications of FTMS,
- showcase new techniques of data processing of often very complex FTMS datasets and
- develop best practices to enable biogeochemical data to be shared, integrated and repurposed to meet emerging biogeochemical challenges.
Conveners :
- Maxime Bridoux – CEA
- Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin – TUM, WZW, Institute of Analytical Food Chemistry
- Angélica Bianco – Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand
- Edith Nicol – Institut Polytechnique de Paris