Goldschmidt session 15e « Emerging Analytical Methods in Geobiology and Geochemistry »

Chers collègues,
Maya Gomes, David Fike, Travis Meador et moi-même animerons une session portant sur les développements analytiques récents en géomicrobiologie et géochimie organique lors de la prochaine Goldschmidt du 13 au 18 août 2017 à Paris.
Vous pouvez dès à présent soumettre vos abstracts en suivant ce lien et ce jusqu’au 1er avril prochain!
A bientôt,

15e: Emerging Analytical Methods in Geobiology and Geochemistry
Keynote: Marcel Kuypers (Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology)
Microorganisms perform key reactions in the biogeochemical cycling of major elements on Earth. High-resolution analyses of microbial distributions and geochemical patterns in modern systems can provide evidence of energy gradients, geomicrobiological cycling, past environmental conditions and post-depositional alteration. Advances and increasing application of rapid-screening “omics” approaches now allow for highly-resolved exploration of microbial distributions in the environment. Furthermore, recent methodological and technological advances in geochemical imaging and fine-scale analyses now allow researchers to compare many different biogeochemical parameters in a single sample. This session welcomes method development and innovation studies that either (i) enhance our ability to extract paleoenvironmental information from the geological record, or (ii) target key parameters of microbial activity, such as the sources, fates, and fluxes of substrates, metabolic products, and microbial markers. We greatly appreciate techniques that can be applied over a range of natural environments and disciplines to investigate the lifestyle/activity of micro-organisms with implications for exploring the coupled evolution of life and the Earth surface system in the past and present, and to predict future changes.

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